Please note the mornings of December 29th and December 31st we will not have any open swim lanes available.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Winter 2011 Schedule
Greetings everyone! Here is an update on the Triathlon Club courses as we move into the New Year. First off thank you for everyone’s patience as we sort out the Winter 2011 program details. I have been waiting for a certain start date to the New Year as we re-open the main building. I was able to do a tour the other day to see how the roof replacement and internal renovations are coming along and I have to say things are looking amazing under the new roof! It will definitely have a brighter feel under there.
Many of you have asked where ETS and the Triathlon Club will be moving to in 2011. There are a few timing issues to be aware of. The Brick and Cycling programs will be able to start the week of January 10th 2011. Now for the biggie. We will not be able to start any swim or track programs until the week of January 24th 2011. Please read the list below carefully. You will also see what appears to be a reduction in our pool times. The Board and our Management team had agreed that once the roof replacement was completed we would ALL adhere to the 2009 space allocation and as such what you see scheduled is in fact reflective of what we prior to the roof re-placement project. Rest assured that the two morning swims will in fact have 8 lanes so we can accommodate a lot of swimmers.
When we start the week of January 10th 2011 for the bike and Brick programs we will be in our current location which is the Mezzanine with the great view. The ETS and Tri Club programs may be re-located to a new area in the main building starting the week of January 24th 2011. The area proposed has many pros to our current location and our previous location in the main building. Needless to say this will be a big project for me to help develop over the next few months. As we get closer to solidifying this potential relocation I will provide an update right here on our blog.
Registration procedures will remain the same where you fill out your form completely (form is attached) for me and I will begin processing registrations in early December. Full membership fees will be in effect at this time. I will also provide existing Club members a period of priority registration before I open up to new members who wish to join. The deadline for existing members will be Friday December 10th 2010. After this date I will begin accepting and processing new members. To ensure you get your selections please email your completed forms to me as this provides me a date and time stamp to set an order for me to process registrations.
As many of you know, Jon Bird has been invited to train with the National Team athletes in Victoria starting in January 2011. He has been an integral component in the development of our Club and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the help he has provide me with the past 3 years. I am currently interviewing coaches to find a suitable replacement and hope to have the “next one” in place by the end of the month/early December. The new coach will be coming around to each program and learn from the coaching team and to meet as many Club members as possible. I hope that everyone is open and accepting of our new coach who will be under my mentorship – but rest assured the caliber of applicants was quite solid this go around.
The Winter 2011 schedule is as follows:
9 classes $95
Tue Jan 25 - Mar 22 6-7am Code #34993
Thu Jan 27 - Mar 24 6-7am Code #34994
10 classes $150
Mon Jan 10 - Mar 21 6:30-8:30pm Code #34990
11 classes $165
Wed Jan 12 - Mar 23 6:30pm Code #34991
10 rides $182
Sat Jan 15 - Mar 19 9-11am Code #34999
9 classes $162
Tue Jan 25 - Mar 22 6:45-9pm Code #34987
Thu Jan 27 - Mar 24 6:45-9pm Code #34988
If you have any questions, concerns or issues please feel free to contact me and we can discuss them.
Thanks everyone!
Many of you have asked where ETS and the Triathlon Club will be moving to in 2011. There are a few timing issues to be aware of. The Brick and Cycling programs will be able to start the week of January 10th 2011. Now for the biggie. We will not be able to start any swim or track programs until the week of January 24th 2011. Please read the list below carefully. You will also see what appears to be a reduction in our pool times. The Board and our Management team had agreed that once the roof replacement was completed we would ALL adhere to the 2009 space allocation and as such what you see scheduled is in fact reflective of what we prior to the roof re-placement project. Rest assured that the two morning swims will in fact have 8 lanes so we can accommodate a lot of swimmers.
When we start the week of January 10th 2011 for the bike and Brick programs we will be in our current location which is the Mezzanine with the great view. The ETS and Tri Club programs may be re-located to a new area in the main building starting the week of January 24th 2011. The area proposed has many pros to our current location and our previous location in the main building. Needless to say this will be a big project for me to help develop over the next few months. As we get closer to solidifying this potential relocation I will provide an update right here on our blog.
Registration procedures will remain the same where you fill out your form completely (form is attached) for me and I will begin processing registrations in early December. Full membership fees will be in effect at this time. I will also provide existing Club members a period of priority registration before I open up to new members who wish to join. The deadline for existing members will be Friday December 10th 2010. After this date I will begin accepting and processing new members. To ensure you get your selections please email your completed forms to me as this provides me a date and time stamp to set an order for me to process registrations.
As many of you know, Jon Bird has been invited to train with the National Team athletes in Victoria starting in January 2011. He has been an integral component in the development of our Club and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the help he has provide me with the past 3 years. I am currently interviewing coaches to find a suitable replacement and hope to have the “next one” in place by the end of the month/early December. The new coach will be coming around to each program and learn from the coaching team and to meet as many Club members as possible. I hope that everyone is open and accepting of our new coach who will be under my mentorship – but rest assured the caliber of applicants was quite solid this go around.
The Winter 2011 schedule is as follows:
9 classes $95
Tue Jan 25 - Mar 22 6-7am Code #34993
Thu Jan 27 - Mar 24 6-7am Code #34994
10 classes $150
Mon Jan 10 - Mar 21 6:30-8:30pm Code #34990
11 classes $165
Wed Jan 12 - Mar 23 6:30pm Code #34991
10 rides $182
Sat Jan 15 - Mar 19 9-11am Code #34999
9 classes $162
Tue Jan 25 - Mar 22 6:45-9pm Code #34987
Thu Jan 27 - Mar 24 6:45-9pm Code #34988
If you have any questions, concerns or issues please feel free to contact me and we can discuss them.
Thanks everyone!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Reach A New Performance Level in 2011
I had an athlete ask me the other evening “how can I get faster or reach a new level of performance?” If you know me or any other good coach, the answer to this question becomes a series of questions directed back to the athlete. Sorry for this but without knowing one’s goals, habitual training level, commitment level, lifestyle, diet, previous race results etc, it is difficult to provide an appropriate answer beyond the obvious “train more” or “train harder”.
So as I reflected on this question I thought I would share some of my ideas that may offer you a step towards that next level. These are in no order of importance, nor are they meant to imply that you need to do them all. In fact by just implementing one of these ideas you may very well achieve a new level quite easily.
Set meaningful SMART goals: I bet many have lost interest in anything else I have to say. Yes goals are important and the more specific, measureable, action oriented, realistic and set in a time context they are, the more likely you will focus on the goal and achieve it. Your goals should also be meaningful for you and should set a fire under your butt to chase them. You are more likely to get out of bed for that early morning swim or run because the goal is meaningful to you. If the goal is too “airy-fairy” then you will be more likely to dismiss it and miss training.
Far too many people neglect to set goals.
Train more: Seems obvious enough but I wish I had a dollar for every time an athlete said they can’t do anymore training in a week. Look for creative ways to add volume to your monthly plan like doing two training sessions per month that are beyond your regular long session. If 90 minutes is your staple long run duration, look to add 15-20 minutes twice a month. You can also look to add in more time training at higher intensities which can be very effective in the short term (4-6 weeks). If done correctly, you can see an increase in your functional threshold power and overall aerobic conditioning. You should also consider training more in the discipline you feel is your weakest.
Look to increase your training volume by 15-20% on the long days.
Technical practice: Spend more time working on the mechanics of swimming and running during the off-season and continue to integrate these technical sessions during the race season to keep your muscle memory. You may do well to look at adjusting your bike position and equipment choices to find a more comfortable and aerodynamic position. Become a student of the disciplines and learn what perfect technique feels like. You must be mentally focused for these sessions and practice the act of “perfect practice” to gain a benefit. Simply going through the motions or getting by is not conducive to learning or improving.
Dedicate 2 to 3 sessions during the off-season to strict
technical sessions.
Dial in your nutrition: Why leave it until you are 8 weeks away from your goal race? Small tweaks to your nutrition can aid in long term health gains and performance improvements. This does not mean you can’t indulge or enjoy sinful foods or drinks. Use moderation and common sense. Experiment with recovery foods or drinks. Focus on your nutrient timing like eating every 3 hours to keep your blood sugar and hormone levels even. Make changes to the composition of you meals by adding in more protein if you tend to not eat protein regularly, more vegetables and less bread products.
Make the habits stick now versus when you feel you need to be
Recover better: Take this seriously, especially the masters athletes. Look to get more sleep during the week by getting to bed a bit earlier or sleeping in a bit later. Learn to relax more and look for creative ways to take time for you. Take yoga once a week. Get a massage once every two weeks during the off-season. Couple this with your nutrition tweaks and look at when you eat post workout. The “carb window” is a time in which the body is most sensitive and ready to take in the nutrients from post training meal to restore depleted carbohydrates, electrolytes, water etc and is typically within 30min post activity. Miss time your recovery meal and it could mean you won’t be ready for tomorrow’s training in time.
Add an extra day of rest every two to three weeks.
Add in strength and core training during the off-season: Become a more well rounded athlete and individual by working on areas of weakness in your body. These don’t have to be long arduous sessions but rather more focused sessions addressing many of the key lateral muscles in your hips and the deeper core muscles. This can help offset any potential injury that may be developing in your body. It doesn’t have to be fancy either. Squats, deadlifts, bent over barbell rows, pull-ups and push-ups, lunges or split squats can be effective for total body conditioning.
Identify and work on any muscle imbalances or weaknesses.
Train with others: Groups will always help add extra motivation during key sessions or help increase accountability to stay consistent in your training. However, look for training partners of similar ability level, goals or personalities. No one likes to be “that guy” who is always holding up a group or “that guy” who treats every session as if it was a race.
Determine what you want to get out of training with others.
Train alone: Become a one man wolf pack. Training on your own allows you to focus on your training needs and depending upon how you feel you can adapt a training session as you like. You would be surprised how many people hate being alone and crumble mentally without others. Remember many races force you to be independent and deal with many tough situations on your own. Be ready for them. Most professional roadies train on their own to focus on their needs.
Become comfortable being alone with yourself.
Get tested: Learn about your body and take the advice on what you could stand to work on. Many people who partake in an aerobic sport such as triathlon actually show carbohydrate dependent metabolic profiles meaning their bodies preferentially burn carbohydrates rather than burning fats. Zones can be established to help guide you to training a specific energy system more effectively. Many people don’t like the results of such testing as they are so used to training hard all the time and any advice to slow down does not suit them well. They will always remain stuck in the same performance pattern of being slow and be classified as a “carb burner”. Testing also helps you to see if you are improving, maintaining your fitness or in some instances whether or not you are wasting your valuable time just working out versus training. There is a difference between working out and training.
Identify your strengths, weaknesses and what you should focus on in training.
Hire a coach: You knew this one was coming! Coaches can structure your schedule so you don’t have to think about what you should do tonight. You could also just have an expert coach review your program to see if it fits in with your goals and to offer some new ideas or training ideas. There are tons of magazines, articles, websites, blogs that offer up generic training programs you could follow but in most instances they will let you down as they are not specific enough to your needs. Ultimately they stop doing the schedule altogether due to boredom, monotony and lack of direction.
An outside perspective or different approach can be the
stimulus to improvement.
There you have it, ten ideas I feel can help you reach a new performance level. I have really skimmed the surface of each but hopefully you see the point of each and decide to implement one or more of these ideas into your training. Now is the time to implement these versus waiting until next year when you want to get serious.
So as I reflected on this question I thought I would share some of my ideas that may offer you a step towards that next level. These are in no order of importance, nor are they meant to imply that you need to do them all. In fact by just implementing one of these ideas you may very well achieve a new level quite easily.
Set meaningful SMART goals: I bet many have lost interest in anything else I have to say. Yes goals are important and the more specific, measureable, action oriented, realistic and set in a time context they are, the more likely you will focus on the goal and achieve it. Your goals should also be meaningful for you and should set a fire under your butt to chase them. You are more likely to get out of bed for that early morning swim or run because the goal is meaningful to you. If the goal is too “airy-fairy” then you will be more likely to dismiss it and miss training.
Far too many people neglect to set goals.
Train more: Seems obvious enough but I wish I had a dollar for every time an athlete said they can’t do anymore training in a week. Look for creative ways to add volume to your monthly plan like doing two training sessions per month that are beyond your regular long session. If 90 minutes is your staple long run duration, look to add 15-20 minutes twice a month. You can also look to add in more time training at higher intensities which can be very effective in the short term (4-6 weeks). If done correctly, you can see an increase in your functional threshold power and overall aerobic conditioning. You should also consider training more in the discipline you feel is your weakest.
Look to increase your training volume by 15-20% on the long days.
Technical practice: Spend more time working on the mechanics of swimming and running during the off-season and continue to integrate these technical sessions during the race season to keep your muscle memory. You may do well to look at adjusting your bike position and equipment choices to find a more comfortable and aerodynamic position. Become a student of the disciplines and learn what perfect technique feels like. You must be mentally focused for these sessions and practice the act of “perfect practice” to gain a benefit. Simply going through the motions or getting by is not conducive to learning or improving.
Dedicate 2 to 3 sessions during the off-season to strict
technical sessions.
Dial in your nutrition: Why leave it until you are 8 weeks away from your goal race? Small tweaks to your nutrition can aid in long term health gains and performance improvements. This does not mean you can’t indulge or enjoy sinful foods or drinks. Use moderation and common sense. Experiment with recovery foods or drinks. Focus on your nutrient timing like eating every 3 hours to keep your blood sugar and hormone levels even. Make changes to the composition of you meals by adding in more protein if you tend to not eat protein regularly, more vegetables and less bread products.
Make the habits stick now versus when you feel you need to be
Recover better: Take this seriously, especially the masters athletes. Look to get more sleep during the week by getting to bed a bit earlier or sleeping in a bit later. Learn to relax more and look for creative ways to take time for you. Take yoga once a week. Get a massage once every two weeks during the off-season. Couple this with your nutrition tweaks and look at when you eat post workout. The “carb window” is a time in which the body is most sensitive and ready to take in the nutrients from post training meal to restore depleted carbohydrates, electrolytes, water etc and is typically within 30min post activity. Miss time your recovery meal and it could mean you won’t be ready for tomorrow’s training in time.
Add an extra day of rest every two to three weeks.
Add in strength and core training during the off-season: Become a more well rounded athlete and individual by working on areas of weakness in your body. These don’t have to be long arduous sessions but rather more focused sessions addressing many of the key lateral muscles in your hips and the deeper core muscles. This can help offset any potential injury that may be developing in your body. It doesn’t have to be fancy either. Squats, deadlifts, bent over barbell rows, pull-ups and push-ups, lunges or split squats can be effective for total body conditioning.
Identify and work on any muscle imbalances or weaknesses.
Train with others: Groups will always help add extra motivation during key sessions or help increase accountability to stay consistent in your training. However, look for training partners of similar ability level, goals or personalities. No one likes to be “that guy” who is always holding up a group or “that guy” who treats every session as if it was a race.
Determine what you want to get out of training with others.
Train alone: Become a one man wolf pack. Training on your own allows you to focus on your training needs and depending upon how you feel you can adapt a training session as you like. You would be surprised how many people hate being alone and crumble mentally without others. Remember many races force you to be independent and deal with many tough situations on your own. Be ready for them. Most professional roadies train on their own to focus on their needs.
Become comfortable being alone with yourself.
Get tested: Learn about your body and take the advice on what you could stand to work on. Many people who partake in an aerobic sport such as triathlon actually show carbohydrate dependent metabolic profiles meaning their bodies preferentially burn carbohydrates rather than burning fats. Zones can be established to help guide you to training a specific energy system more effectively. Many people don’t like the results of such testing as they are so used to training hard all the time and any advice to slow down does not suit them well. They will always remain stuck in the same performance pattern of being slow and be classified as a “carb burner”. Testing also helps you to see if you are improving, maintaining your fitness or in some instances whether or not you are wasting your valuable time just working out versus training. There is a difference between working out and training.
Identify your strengths, weaknesses and what you should focus on in training.
Hire a coach: You knew this one was coming! Coaches can structure your schedule so you don’t have to think about what you should do tonight. You could also just have an expert coach review your program to see if it fits in with your goals and to offer some new ideas or training ideas. There are tons of magazines, articles, websites, blogs that offer up generic training programs you could follow but in most instances they will let you down as they are not specific enough to your needs. Ultimately they stop doing the schedule altogether due to boredom, monotony and lack of direction.
An outside perspective or different approach can be the
stimulus to improvement.
There you have it, ten ideas I feel can help you reach a new performance level. I have really skimmed the surface of each but hopefully you see the point of each and decide to implement one or more of these ideas into your training. Now is the time to implement these versus waiting until next year when you want to get serious.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Fall 2010 Club Programs
Hi everyone, most of us are hitting the big events of the season starting this weekend with 70.3, then on to the Kelowna Apple and finally Ironman Canada which makes posting a notice about the fall programs seem "unimportant" at the moment.
For your information then, here are the fall programs. Please note registrations will be processed starting early September 2010. Please contact me at for the fall 2010 registration form. I will need a new form completed by EVERYONE for the fall.
Triathlon Club Swim
The Fall Triathlon Club Swim courses focus on improving swim technique and gaining a better understanding of how your body position in the water impacts your performance. Our experienced coaches have helped many Club members reach new levels of comfort in the water and achieve personal best times in their respective triathlon events. Club members also help keep each other accountable to these early morning sessions.
Triathlon Club swim Monday 6 - 7am 11 sessions (Sep 27 – Dec 13) $110.00
Triathlon Club swim Wednesday 6 - 7am 12 sessions (Sep 29 – Dec 15) $120.00
Triathlon Club swim Friday 6 -7 am 12 sessions (Oct 1 – Dec 17) $120.00
Triathlon Club Brick
The ability to run after the cycling portion of a triathlon is a key element to having a successful day. This group training session is designed to help build your aerobic base and your ability to quickly run comfortably off the bike. These are also fun training sessions that makes the time go by quickly with your Club mates.
Triathlon Club Brick training Monday 6:30 - 8:30pm 11 sessions (Sep 27 – Dec 13) $165.00
Triathlon Club Brick training Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30pm 12 sessions (Sep 29 – Dec 15) $180.00
Triathlon Club Group Ride
Triathlon Club members can ride in a group setting using their own bicycles on the Tacx ergotrainers. Focus specifically on increasing your cycling abilities this fall by training with power output in a motivating group setting. Make the bike your strength for next season’s races.
Triathlon Club Bike training Saturday 9am - 11am 10 sessions (Oct 2 – Dec 18) $165.00
Triathlon Club Ironswim
Build your distance swimming ability through these 90min sessions. This is not just for the Iron-athlete as Olympic distance swimmers can see big improvements in their swimming by completing more metres per training session and per week. A great low impact way in which to boost your overall training volume while under the guidance and support of our coaches.
Triathlon Club swim Tuesday 7:30 - 9pm 12 sessions (Sep 28 – Dec 14) $165.00
Triathlon Club swim Thursday 7:30 - 9pm 11 sessions (Sep 30 – Dec 16) $151.25
Please checkout our ETS fall programs too at if you are looking for some additional swimming and cycling options.
Perhaps next season is when you are going to sign up for an ironman or half-ironman event or see how fast you can really go at the Olympic distance. If so then maybe the ETS Customized Coaching and testing packages are for you. These packages are proven to achieve personal best results for athletes of all ability levels. Do your event knowing you prepared to the best of your ability under the guidance of our coaching team.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Group Ride on the 70.3 Course
If anyone is interested in riding a large potion of the Calgary 70.3 course on Saturday July 17th I will be riding most of it that day as a training ride. This is a great opportunity to preview the course, test out any equipment you plan on using as well as your nutrition plan for race day.
My planned route is starting from West Hills Shopping Centre - behind Second Cup Coffee and in the area of Indigo Books. We will ride out to lower Springbank Rd and ride the course in reverse to Cochrane. We will head West to Grand Valley Rd then east to Horse Creek Rd, back to Cochrane and then back to West Hills.
10am start.
Please let me know if you will be riding that day.
My planned route is starting from West Hills Shopping Centre - behind Second Cup Coffee and in the area of Indigo Books. We will ride out to lower Springbank Rd and ride the course in reverse to Cochrane. We will head West to Grand Valley Rd then east to Horse Creek Rd, back to Cochrane and then back to West Hills.
10am start.
Please let me know if you will be riding that day.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
10K Hell Run for Fun
From Darren
Hi everyone
The 10k staggered start race is on Sunday July 4 at 8:30 am
Country Hills Running Room. You can email me your
confirmation before Sunday and you best 10k time that you
have run in the last couple years or a very honest
estimate, so I can set the stagger for the start of the
race. If you have any friends you would like to see suffer
send me there names and times as well, everyone is welcome
to enter the race.
Hope to see you Sunday
Hi everyone
The 10k staggered start race is on Sunday July 4 at 8:30 am
Country Hills Running Room. You can email me your
confirmation before Sunday and you best 10k time that you
have run in the last couple years or a very honest
estimate, so I can set the stagger for the start of the
race. If you have any friends you would like to see suffer
send me there names and times as well, everyone is welcome
to enter the race.
Hope to see you Sunday
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tonights Swim 6:30 pm
Since the Centaur Subaru swim course has filled up so quickly many Talisman Triathlon Club members have requested a additional open water swim before Wasa Lake Triathlon. As such the Wednesday night brick on June 9th has been canceled and in its place we will have a open water swim night at Lake Mckenzie Beach Club. Any Talisman Centre Triathlon Club member is invited to this open water swim, even if you are not signed up for the Wednesday night brick.
Things start off at 6:30pm.,+AB&view=map&cid=619219230388383325&ved=0CEIQpQY&ei=VKsPTID1IYH6M8-N-OsC&ll=50.907606,-113.981481&spn=0.007956,0.022724&z=16
Things start off at 6:30pm.,+AB&view=map&cid=619219230388383325&ved=0CEIQpQY&ei=VKsPTID1IYH6M8-N-OsC&ll=50.907606,-113.981481&spn=0.007956,0.022724&z=16
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Wasa Lake Group Ride
Well it has come time again to test out the winter training and rock wasa lake triathlon. This year the Talisman Triathlon Club will meet in the north parking lot (site of the old transition) for a group ride, some members will ride the full 40km while others will only ride half. Then its time to test out the wetsuits and jump in the water before the package pick up.
We will meet at noon on Saturday with the bikes.
Hope to see you there.
We will meet at noon on Saturday with the bikes.
Hope to see you there.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Summer Triathlon Club Sessions
Registration for the summer Triathlon Club sessions are now available. Once again we will be doing a shortened summer session since most of us will be out racing or on holidays during this time.
To register please email me directly with your selections and I will process them in the order I receive them. Given the shorter time frame, we won't be doing the monthly payment option for this period of time.
July 5th to August 13th, 2010
Triathlon Club Swim:
Mondays from 6:00AM to 7:00AM (5 sessions $47.50)
Tuesdays from 12:00PM to 1:00PM (6 sessions $57)
Wednesdays from 6:00AM to 7:00AM (6 sessions $57)
Thursdays from 12:00PM to 1:00PM (6 sessions $57)
Fridays from 6:00AM to 7:00AM (6 sessions $57)
Triathlon Club IronSwim:
Tuesdays from 7:30PM to 9:00PM (6 sessions $82)
Thursdays from 7:30PM to 9:00PM (6 sessions $82)
Triathlon Club Group Brick (Wed):
Wednesdays from 6:30PM to 8:30PM (6 sessions $82)
See you at Wasa Lake this weekend!
To register please email me directly with your selections and I will process them in the order I receive them. Given the shorter time frame, we won't be doing the monthly payment option for this period of time.
July 5th to August 13th, 2010
Triathlon Club Swim:
Mondays from 6:00AM to 7:00AM (5 sessions $47.50)
Tuesdays from 12:00PM to 1:00PM (6 sessions $57)
Wednesdays from 6:00AM to 7:00AM (6 sessions $57)
Thursdays from 12:00PM to 1:00PM (6 sessions $57)
Fridays from 6:00AM to 7:00AM (6 sessions $57)
Triathlon Club IronSwim:
Tuesdays from 7:30PM to 9:00PM (6 sessions $82)
Thursdays from 7:30PM to 9:00PM (6 sessions $82)
Triathlon Club Group Brick (Wed):
Wednesdays from 6:30PM to 8:30PM (6 sessions $82)
See you at Wasa Lake this weekend!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Ironman Weekend Camp
Hi everyone, I am looking to partner up with another coach in the Okanagan for a Penticton Ironman training weekend. Dates would be July 2-4 2010.
First we would like to establish that there is in fact interest from club members especially those doing Ironman Canada this year or planning on it next year.
Costs will be determined based upon the camp structure and we wish to keep the cost low. Rest assured there will be lots of training on each segment of the event on the actual course.
Please notify me of your interest and we can get things rolling.
First we would like to establish that there is in fact interest from club members especially those doing Ironman Canada this year or planning on it next year.
Costs will be determined based upon the camp structure and we wish to keep the cost low. Rest assured there will be lots of training on each segment of the event on the actual course.
Please notify me of your interest and we can get things rolling.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tri Club Open Water Swim
Since the Centaur Subaru swim course has filled up so quickly many Talisman Triathlon Club members have requested a additional open water swim before Wasa Lake Triathlon. As such the Wednesday night brick on June 9th has been cancelled and in its place we will have a open water swim night at Lake Mckenzie. Any Talisman Centre Triathlon Club member is invited to this open water swim, even if you are not signed up for the Wednesday night brick.
Lake Mckenzie
Lake Mckenzie
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Centaur Subaru Swim Course
Centaru Subaru is proud to support grassroots triathlon in Calgary with the with the second installment of triathlon open water swim tactics. All skill levels of triathletes are invited to attend a FREE clinic put on by local pro triathletes and coaches Jon Bird and Grant Burwash. The open water swim course will focus on skills and tips for race preparation, sighting, staying warm, wetsuit removal and transition. This course is limited to the first 35 people that RSVP. Each participant will receive a water bottle, PowerBar products and some hot chocolate after the dip. All participants are required to have an Alberta Triathlon Association membership to participate.
10:00am: Arrival; gear up
10:00 - 10:15: talk on tactics and sighting.
10:15 - 11:00 Swim
11:00 - 11:15: hot chocolate and transistion talk
10:00am: Arrival; gear up
10:00 - 10:15: talk on tactics and sighting.
10:15 - 11:00 Swim
11:00 - 11:15: hot chocolate and transistion talk
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Vernon Bike Camp Pictures
The first ETS bike camp went off without a hitch, beautiful weather, spectacular riding and great company made for a highly enjoyable 4 days. The group covered around 400km of riding including the daunting Ironman Canada course. A camp survey is in the works and will be out soon; as we are looking forward to input to kick it up a notch for next year.
Here is the link to the album.
Vernon Pic's
Monday, May 3, 2010
ETS - Centaur Subaru - Bike Handling Course

Bearspaw Lions Club – Saturday May 15, 2010 10:00am
Centaur Subaru is proud to support grassroots triathlon in Calgary with the first installment of triathlon bike handling. Both beginner and intermediate triathletes are invited to attend a free clinic put on by Jon Bird and Grant Burwash of Talisman Centre’s Endurance Training Systems. The bike handling course will focus on skills and tips for bike handling, pack riding climbing, basic bike maintenance and road safety. This course is limited to the first 35 people that RSVP, each participant will receive a light catered lunch, water bottle and some PowerBar products. All participants are required to have an Alberta Triathlon Association membership to participate.
10:00am: Arrival and bike set up, get ready to ride
10:00 - 10:15: Warm up around the bearspaw loop.
10:15 - 10:30 Ride Safety
10:30 - 12:00: work on drafting bike handling and gearing
12:00: lunch and talk on bike mechanics and powerbar
Jon Bird –
Grant Burwash –
Cost – FREE * requires a ATA license
Please contact Grant or Jon to book your spot in the first Centaur Subaru camp of the summer.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sample Sale
Spring Sample Demo Sale
Sunday May 2, 2010
Where: Thorncliffe Community Hall
5600 Center Street N – Calgary, Alberta
When: May 2nd /10 10am to 3:30pm
Cash and check only
DH and XC skis, poles, acc, snowboards, bags, tents, sleeping bags, tri wetsuits,
run clothing, bike clothing, out door clothing, fitness apparel, bike racks, wax,
helmets, goggles, socks, watches, sunglasses and much more!
Sunday May 2, 2010
Where: Thorncliffe Community Hall
5600 Center Street N – Calgary, Alberta
When: May 2nd /10 10am to 3:30pm
Cash and check only
DH and XC skis, poles, acc, snowboards, bags, tents, sleeping bags, tri wetsuits,
run clothing, bike clothing, out door clothing, fitness apparel, bike racks, wax,
helmets, goggles, socks, watches, sunglasses and much more!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Saturday April 17th Brick
Finally the weather looks good! Tomorrow morning at 9 am we will leave the parking lot at the Signal Hill library for a looped course in Springbank. Please remember to bring food, water, tires, tubes, extra clothes, recovery drink. shoes and your running stuff as there is a great path way on signal hill for those who choose to run at the end of our ride.,-114.175187&sspn=0.000643,0.001725&ie=UTF8&hq=signal+hill+library&hnear=Calgary,+AB&filter=0&update=1&layer=tc&ll=51.018074,-114.175415&spn=0.073863,0.441513&z=11&cbll=51.018014,-114.175117&panoid=bjw7bzQ6hUt2_0yYwNavug&cbp=11,338.43,,0,6
Remember we are leaving at 9 am, if you want to roll with the group get there at 8:40.
Remember we are leaving at 9 am, if you want to roll with the group get there at 8:40.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Saturday April 10th Brick
Due to the increment weather and the possibility of -9 tomorrow am the Brick will be held inside at the Talisman Centre.
See you at 9 am
See you at 9 am
Monday, April 5, 2010
Spring Training
To avoid some confusion there will be no classes Monday April 5th. All other tri club sessions will start on Tuesday April 6th. Those in the Saturday morning brick classes please look for posts on the blog and your email on Friday as to the start location for class.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
ATA memberships
Hi everyone, important note here regarding the ATA memberships.
Who in the Club NEEDS one this year for racing purposes?
Please respond to me ASAP as I am updating the Club roster to submit to the ATA. Talisman Centre will cover the cost of the membership.
Please provide me with any address and/or phone number changes to ensure you get any communications sent from the ATA.
Who in the Club NEEDS one this year for racing purposes?
Please respond to me ASAP as I am updating the Club roster to submit to the ATA. Talisman Centre will cover the cost of the membership.
Please provide me with any address and/or phone number changes to ensure you get any communications sent from the ATA.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Wasa Lake
Well it is that time of year when I need to get a idea for how many people are in need of group accomidation for Wasa Lake. Last year about 16 people took advantage of some great pricing and unbeateable accomidation in Kimberley. In order to get things booked I will need gauge interest by the 19th of February. Last year the condos were around $125.00 per night with a kitchen and 3-4 queen beds.
Please note that Wasa Lake is over 50% sold out, this race sells out earlier and ealier every year. Take advantage of the early bird rates (before march 31st). Last year we had a great group presnse, we arrived on Friday evening and had a light bike and swim on Saturday before picking up our race packages and a mellow movie night on Saturday.
Please let me know if you are interested in group accomidations for Friday (june 11) and Saturday (june 12) night.
Please note that Wasa Lake is over 50% sold out, this race sells out earlier and ealier every year. Take advantage of the early bird rates (before march 31st). Last year we had a great group presnse, we arrived on Friday evening and had a light bike and swim on Saturday before picking up our race packages and a mellow movie night on Saturday.
Please let me know if you are interested in group accomidations for Friday (june 11) and Saturday (june 12) night.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Spring Training Programs
Greetings everyone. I hope everyone's training is on track and progressing in the direction you have set out for yourself this year. I will begin taking registrations for the Spring session the week of February 22nd 2010. The course list is below for your review.
Triathlon Club Group Brick
The ability to run after the cycling portion of a triathlon is a key element to having a successful day. This group training session is designed to help build your aerobic base and your ability to quickly run comfortably off the bike. As we get closer to the racing season, workouts become more specific to the pacing demands of the upcoming events. Note that the first 4 weeks will be on the Cycle-Ops spin bikes but starting May 5th we move to the Tacx trainers and you bring your bike to train on.
Course number (34595) Apr 7 – June 30 Wednesday 6:30pm-8:30pm - 13 sessions. Cost: $179
Course number (34596) Apr 7 – June 30 Monday 7pm-9pm - 11 sessions. Cost: $152
Triathlon Club Swim
The Spring Triathlon Club Swim course shifts the focus to improving swim-specific fitness through more intensive interval sets and building endurance to swim more distance per interval. Racing season is around the corner and our goal is to help you be ready.
Course number (34600) Apr 12 – June 28 Monday 6am-7am - 11 sessions. Cost: $105
Course number (34601) Apr 7 – June 30 Wednesday 6am-7am - 13 sessions. Cost: $123
Course number (34602) Apr 9 – July 2 Friday 6am-7am – 13 sessions. Cost: $123
Course number (34603) Apr 6 – June 29 Tuesday 12pm-1pm - 13 sessions. Cost: $123
Course number (34604) Apr 8 – June 24 Thursday 12pm-1pm - 12 sessions. Cost: $114
Triathlon Club IronBrick
For those looking to improve their overall endurance, fatigue resistance or preparing for triathlon events from Olympic distance to the full Ironman this motivating group session will ensure you are fit by the start of the season. Training sessions will be constantly varied and designed to push each athlete. You will require your own bike for these sessions as they will be conducted on our ergotrainers. Note that this is only a 4 week program. We plan on doing a group drop-in cycling session outdoors once the weather gets better.
Course number (34605) Apr 10 – May 1 Saturday 9am-12pm - 4 sessions. Cost: $95
Triathlon Club Ironswim
Build your distance swimming ability through these 90min sessions. This is not just for the Iron-athlete as Olympic distance swimmers can see big improvements in their swimming by completing more meters per training session and per week. A great low impact way in which to boost your overall training volume while under the guidance and support of our coaches. We will be hosting several outdoor swims during the summer months once the lakes warm-up as well.
Course number (34598) Apr 6 – June 29 Tuesday 7:30pm-9pm - 13 sessions. Cost: $179
Course number (34599) Apr 8 – June 24 Thursday 7:30pm-9pm - 12 sessions. Cost: $165
Triathlon Club Group Brick
The ability to run after the cycling portion of a triathlon is a key element to having a successful day. This group training session is designed to help build your aerobic base and your ability to quickly run comfortably off the bike. As we get closer to the racing season, workouts become more specific to the pacing demands of the upcoming events. Note that the first 4 weeks will be on the Cycle-Ops spin bikes but starting May 5th we move to the Tacx trainers and you bring your bike to train on.
Course number (34595) Apr 7 – June 30 Wednesday 6:30pm-8:30pm - 13 sessions. Cost: $179
Course number (34596) Apr 7 – June 30 Monday 7pm-9pm - 11 sessions. Cost: $152
Triathlon Club Swim
The Spring Triathlon Club Swim course shifts the focus to improving swim-specific fitness through more intensive interval sets and building endurance to swim more distance per interval. Racing season is around the corner and our goal is to help you be ready.
Course number (34600) Apr 12 – June 28 Monday 6am-7am - 11 sessions. Cost: $105
Course number (34601) Apr 7 – June 30 Wednesday 6am-7am - 13 sessions. Cost: $123
Course number (34602) Apr 9 – July 2 Friday 6am-7am – 13 sessions. Cost: $123
Course number (34603) Apr 6 – June 29 Tuesday 12pm-1pm - 13 sessions. Cost: $123
Course number (34604) Apr 8 – June 24 Thursday 12pm-1pm - 12 sessions. Cost: $114
Triathlon Club IronBrick
For those looking to improve their overall endurance, fatigue resistance or preparing for triathlon events from Olympic distance to the full Ironman this motivating group session will ensure you are fit by the start of the season. Training sessions will be constantly varied and designed to push each athlete. You will require your own bike for these sessions as they will be conducted on our ergotrainers. Note that this is only a 4 week program. We plan on doing a group drop-in cycling session outdoors once the weather gets better.
Course number (34605) Apr 10 – May 1 Saturday 9am-12pm - 4 sessions. Cost: $95
Triathlon Club Ironswim
Build your distance swimming ability through these 90min sessions. This is not just for the Iron-athlete as Olympic distance swimmers can see big improvements in their swimming by completing more meters per training session and per week. A great low impact way in which to boost your overall training volume while under the guidance and support of our coaches. We will be hosting several outdoor swims during the summer months once the lakes warm-up as well.
Course number (34598) Apr 6 – June 29 Tuesday 7:30pm-9pm - 13 sessions. Cost: $179
Course number (34599) Apr 8 – June 24 Thursday 7:30pm-9pm - 12 sessions. Cost: $165
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Family Day
Due to the family day holiday this weekend (February 12-15) Tri club sessions will not be running:
Friday Feb 12 AM Swim 6am -7am)
Saturday Feb 13 BRICK 9am -noon- i will be there loging some time come by for some companay
Monday Feb 15 AM Swim 6am - 7am
Anyone is welcome on Saturday AM even if you have not signed up for the brick!
Friday Feb 12 AM Swim 6am -7am)
Saturday Feb 13 BRICK 9am -noon- i will be there loging some time come by for some companay
Monday Feb 15 AM Swim 6am - 7am
Anyone is welcome on Saturday AM even if you have not signed up for the brick!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
ETS Bike Camp
Endurance Training Systems Spring Bike Camp May 5th to 9th 2010.
The Endurance Training Systems (ETS) coaching team is proud to introduce our first spring bike camp in beautiful Vernon and Penticton British Columbia. For athletes looking to get in some solid cycling volume in preparation for the upcoming racing season, this is a great camp to build your fitness. Vernon is the home town of Jack VanDyk so he knows many of the great training routes through the area which is often overlooked to the more popular destination of Penticton B.C.
Camp participants will be treated to many of the North Okanagan’s finest training routes on roads with little traffic, flat to rolling terrain, climbing and a full schedule of training. We will also head down to Penticton for one day to ride the famous Ironman Canada bike course.
Tentative Schedule;
Tuesday May 4th Travel and check-in day.
Wednesday May 5th
9:30-11:30am Easy 2.0 hours group ride.
12-1pm Lunch break (lunch provided).
1:30-4pm Group ride with sprint training 2.5 hours.
4:45-5:45pm Optional running interval session for triathletes.
6:30-8pm Group dinner and camp overview.
Thursday May 6th
9-11:30am Silver Star foothills interval training session (hills!).
12-1pm Lunch break (lunch provided).
1:30-5pm Easy aerobic training group ride 3.5 hours.
6-7pm Dinner/free time.
7:30-9pm Training talk and Q&A session with coaches.
Friday May 7th
9am-2:30pm Long ride 5.5 hours.
2:30-3:30pm Break.
4-5:30pm Optional group hike in Kalamalka Lake Park.
6-7pm Dinner/free time.
7-9pm Preview of IMC bike ride and gear preparations.
Saturday May 8th
7-8:30am Travel to Penticton
9:30am ++ Ride the IMC course. Note not everyone has to ride
the “full” route or distance. We will establish short cuts
for those not interested in doing the full route.
4:30pm Travel back to Vernon.
7:30pm ++ Pub Night and group dinner.
Sunday May 9th
9am – 12pm Easy group ride up to 3.0hours.
1pm Travel home…
Our intention is to help keep costs down for this camp so we are exploring a few different options for accommodations in order to focus on the training. This will be dependent upon the total number of camp participants. Express your interest early so we can make the necessary arrangements.
What’s included in the fees:
• Coach led training sessions.
• Planned routes.
• Vehicle support on the longer training days.
• Basic mechanical support from coaches.
• ETS jersey.
• Two lunches.
• Sports nutrition products TBD.
• Coaches “chalk talk” sessions.
We will also have some items such as tires, tubes, chains, bar tape, derailleurs, cables and housing available for purchase if required however it is expected that each participant will have their bikes tuned up at a bike shop prior to the camp to ensure everything is in excellent working condition. SpeedTheory has offered to help camp participants with a bike check-up prior to leaving Calgary – more details to follow.
Cost: $550.00 for ETS Indoor Cycling Program participants and Talisman Centre
Triathlon Club members.
$650.00 for non-ETS and TC Triathlon Club members.
*Transportation costs, food beyond that provided and dinners are not included in the fees.
A non-refundable $150.00 deposit is required at the time of registration. The remaining balance is due 30 days prior to the camp (April 5th 2010).
Cancellation Policy:
If you decide not to attend and have paid in full, you will be refunded in full minus the $150.00 deposit 31 days or more prior to the camp. No refunds will be provided in the 30 days prior to the camp.
Endurance Training Systems/Talisman Centre reserves the right to cancel this camp. We will do so at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the camp. In this event, you will be issued a full refund. ETS/Talisman Centre is not responsible for fees associated with planning your trip, such as airfare, alternative accommodations, car rentals etc.
Exceptions to this policy cannot be made for any reason, including weather or personal emergencies.
Equipment and Clothing items to bring:
Bicycle cleaned, tuned and ready to ride.
Jerseys at least 4 (short and or long sleeve)
Shorts at least 4 pair
Cycling tights.
Vest and/or cycling jacket.
Base layers 2 to 3 lightweight.
Rain jacket.
Arm and leg warmers.
Socks ( DeFeet Woolie Boolies or some other Merino wool type).
Cycling gloves short finger and/or full finger.
Cold weather gloves.
Cycling shoes.
Cycling booties or overshoes for added warm and protection if required.
Chamois cream.
Small tote or backpack for anything you wish to keep in support vehicles.
Heart Rate Monitor and/or Power Meter (Power Tap or SRM or other).
Toiletries for clean up between rides.
Comfortable clothing in case you decide to join for the optional hike.
Running gear for the triathletes looking for some extra training.
Bottles/mix/food: If you will be arriving before a camp begins, remaining afterward or have specific nutritional requirements, please bring what food/drink supplies you will need for yourself.
Bottom line is to come to camp prepared for any type of weather. In addition it is a good idea to be ready physically for these camps prior to coming in versus doing very little and then having the camp ramp you up. We will be doing a ton of riding in this short period so we advise participants to get in some longer rides outside in the three weeks prior to camp. It is typical that in the two weeks post camp you may feel tired as your body begins the repair process, especially when you drop back to your regular training volume. But by week three many should start to feel the benefits of the big volume which is perfect for those training for late May and early June races.
To register and secure a spot please contact Jack VanDyk at 403.355.1259 or
The Endurance Training Systems (ETS) coaching team is proud to introduce our first spring bike camp in beautiful Vernon and Penticton British Columbia. For athletes looking to get in some solid cycling volume in preparation for the upcoming racing season, this is a great camp to build your fitness. Vernon is the home town of Jack VanDyk so he knows many of the great training routes through the area which is often overlooked to the more popular destination of Penticton B.C.
Camp participants will be treated to many of the North Okanagan’s finest training routes on roads with little traffic, flat to rolling terrain, climbing and a full schedule of training. We will also head down to Penticton for one day to ride the famous Ironman Canada bike course.
Tentative Schedule;
Tuesday May 4th Travel and check-in day.
Wednesday May 5th
9:30-11:30am Easy 2.0 hours group ride.
12-1pm Lunch break (lunch provided).
1:30-4pm Group ride with sprint training 2.5 hours.
4:45-5:45pm Optional running interval session for triathletes.
6:30-8pm Group dinner and camp overview.
Thursday May 6th
9-11:30am Silver Star foothills interval training session (hills!).
12-1pm Lunch break (lunch provided).
1:30-5pm Easy aerobic training group ride 3.5 hours.
6-7pm Dinner/free time.
7:30-9pm Training talk and Q&A session with coaches.
Friday May 7th
9am-2:30pm Long ride 5.5 hours.
2:30-3:30pm Break.
4-5:30pm Optional group hike in Kalamalka Lake Park.
6-7pm Dinner/free time.
7-9pm Preview of IMC bike ride and gear preparations.
Saturday May 8th
7-8:30am Travel to Penticton
9:30am ++ Ride the IMC course. Note not everyone has to ride
the “full” route or distance. We will establish short cuts
for those not interested in doing the full route.
4:30pm Travel back to Vernon.
7:30pm ++ Pub Night and group dinner.
Sunday May 9th
9am – 12pm Easy group ride up to 3.0hours.
1pm Travel home…
Our intention is to help keep costs down for this camp so we are exploring a few different options for accommodations in order to focus on the training. This will be dependent upon the total number of camp participants. Express your interest early so we can make the necessary arrangements.
What’s included in the fees:
• Coach led training sessions.
• Planned routes.
• Vehicle support on the longer training days.
• Basic mechanical support from coaches.
• ETS jersey.
• Two lunches.
• Sports nutrition products TBD.
• Coaches “chalk talk” sessions.
We will also have some items such as tires, tubes, chains, bar tape, derailleurs, cables and housing available for purchase if required however it is expected that each participant will have their bikes tuned up at a bike shop prior to the camp to ensure everything is in excellent working condition. SpeedTheory has offered to help camp participants with a bike check-up prior to leaving Calgary – more details to follow.
Cost: $550.00 for ETS Indoor Cycling Program participants and Talisman Centre
Triathlon Club members.
$650.00 for non-ETS and TC Triathlon Club members.
*Transportation costs, food beyond that provided and dinners are not included in the fees.
A non-refundable $150.00 deposit is required at the time of registration. The remaining balance is due 30 days prior to the camp (April 5th 2010).
Cancellation Policy:
If you decide not to attend and have paid in full, you will be refunded in full minus the $150.00 deposit 31 days or more prior to the camp. No refunds will be provided in the 30 days prior to the camp.
Endurance Training Systems/Talisman Centre reserves the right to cancel this camp. We will do so at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the camp. In this event, you will be issued a full refund. ETS/Talisman Centre is not responsible for fees associated with planning your trip, such as airfare, alternative accommodations, car rentals etc.
Exceptions to this policy cannot be made for any reason, including weather or personal emergencies.
Equipment and Clothing items to bring:
Bicycle cleaned, tuned and ready to ride.
Jerseys at least 4 (short and or long sleeve)
Shorts at least 4 pair
Cycling tights.
Vest and/or cycling jacket.
Base layers 2 to 3 lightweight.
Rain jacket.
Arm and leg warmers.
Socks ( DeFeet Woolie Boolies or some other Merino wool type).
Cycling gloves short finger and/or full finger.
Cold weather gloves.
Cycling shoes.
Cycling booties or overshoes for added warm and protection if required.
Chamois cream.
Small tote or backpack for anything you wish to keep in support vehicles.
Heart Rate Monitor and/or Power Meter (Power Tap or SRM or other).
Toiletries for clean up between rides.
Comfortable clothing in case you decide to join for the optional hike.
Running gear for the triathletes looking for some extra training.
Bottles/mix/food: If you will be arriving before a camp begins, remaining afterward or have specific nutritional requirements, please bring what food/drink supplies you will need for yourself.
Bottom line is to come to camp prepared for any type of weather. In addition it is a good idea to be ready physically for these camps prior to coming in versus doing very little and then having the camp ramp you up. We will be doing a ton of riding in this short period so we advise participants to get in some longer rides outside in the three weeks prior to camp. It is typical that in the two weeks post camp you may feel tired as your body begins the repair process, especially when you drop back to your regular training volume. But by week three many should start to feel the benefits of the big volume which is perfect for those training for late May and early June races.
To register and secure a spot please contact Jack VanDyk at 403.355.1259 or
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