Hi everyone, most of us are hitting the big events of the season starting this weekend with 70.3, then on to the Kelowna Apple and finally Ironman Canada which makes posting a notice about the fall programs seem "unimportant" at the moment.
For your information then, here are the fall programs. Please note registrations will be processed starting early September 2010. Please contact me at jvandyk@talismancentre.com for the fall 2010 registration form. I will need a new form completed by EVERYONE for the fall.
Triathlon Club Swim
The Fall Triathlon Club Swim courses focus on improving swim technique and gaining a better understanding of how your body position in the water impacts your performance. Our experienced coaches have helped many Club members reach new levels of comfort in the water and achieve personal best times in their respective triathlon events. Club members also help keep each other accountable to these early morning sessions.
Triathlon Club swim Monday 6 - 7am 11 sessions (Sep 27 – Dec 13) $110.00
Triathlon Club swim Wednesday 6 - 7am 12 sessions (Sep 29 – Dec 15) $120.00
Triathlon Club swim Friday 6 -7 am 12 sessions (Oct 1 – Dec 17) $120.00
Triathlon Club Brick
The ability to run after the cycling portion of a triathlon is a key element to having a successful day. This group training session is designed to help build your aerobic base and your ability to quickly run comfortably off the bike. These are also fun training sessions that makes the time go by quickly with your Club mates.
Triathlon Club Brick training Monday 6:30 - 8:30pm 11 sessions (Sep 27 – Dec 13) $165.00
Triathlon Club Brick training Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30pm 12 sessions (Sep 29 – Dec 15) $180.00
Triathlon Club Group Ride
Triathlon Club members can ride in a group setting using their own bicycles on the Tacx ergotrainers. Focus specifically on increasing your cycling abilities this fall by training with power output in a motivating group setting. Make the bike your strength for next season’s races.
Triathlon Club Bike training Saturday 9am - 11am 10 sessions (Oct 2 – Dec 18) $165.00
Triathlon Club Ironswim
Build your distance swimming ability through these 90min sessions. This is not just for the Iron-athlete as Olympic distance swimmers can see big improvements in their swimming by completing more metres per training session and per week. A great low impact way in which to boost your overall training volume while under the guidance and support of our coaches.
Triathlon Club swim Tuesday 7:30 - 9pm 12 sessions (Sep 28 – Dec 14) $165.00
Triathlon Club swim Thursday 7:30 - 9pm 11 sessions (Sep 30 – Dec 16) $151.25
Please checkout our ETS fall programs too at http://endurancetrainingsystems.blogspot.com/ if you are looking for some additional swimming and cycling options.
Perhaps next season is when you are going to sign up for an ironman or half-ironman event or see how fast you can really go at the Olympic distance. If so then maybe the ETS Customized Coaching and testing packages are for you. These packages are proven to achieve personal best results for athletes of all ability levels. Do your event knowing you prepared to the best of your ability under the guidance of our coaching team.