Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday Evening Brick Training UPDATED!
I just received approval to offer a Monday evening 7-9pm Brick training session in the New Year. Wednesday evening filled up quickly so I was able to get this program in place.
We are a go so if you wish to take part in this Monday evening session please let me know as soon as possible as I have several people confirmed already for it.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Winter Sessions Update
Monday, November 30, 2009
Run Clinic Cancelled
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Welcome Taylor Dawn Hindle
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Strides Sale

Hi everyone,
It's time again for the annual Strides Friends & Family Night. We're having it a little earlier this year, as we know how busy everyone gets during the lead-up to Christmas. If you're in need of a new running jacket, new shoes or even want to do some early Christmas shopping for the runner on your list, come in from 5-8:30pm on Wednesday, November 25th for great deals on this night only. Check out the attached invite.
Hope to see you at the store!
Jeremy & Jeanette
Whats to be had?
• At least 20% off all new fall shoes and clothing
- With special deals for this night only!
• 10% off accessories (socks, electronics & nutritional products)
Get the jump on your Christmas shopping!
If you haven’t made it in yet, check out our new location at:
3558 Garrison Gate SW
(Across the street from the Garrison Safeway & Starbucks)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Triathlon Club Winter 2010
We will be moving the training environment into the Fitness Mezzanine located in the building which is home to Gyms 4 & 5 as well as the Lindsay Park Physiotherapy Clinic which looks out into Lindsay Park. The training pool will become our exclusive home in 2010 and we are fortunate to have an abundant amount of space available to train in.
There will be change rooms and showers during 2010, on both the Aquatic and Dryland sides of Talisman Centre, although there will not be an Executive Locker Room during this time. On the dryland side, locker rooms and showers will be located where the executive locker room is currently located. On the aquatic side, the locker rooms will be where the Foundation Lounge currently is, and showers will be built on the pool deck.
Due to the large laydown for the construction trailers, cranes and other equipment, Talisman Centre’s parking lot will be reduced to between 170 and 200 parking stalls onsite. Of course, we are across Macleod Trail from the Erlton C-Train station, and the #10 bus stops near the entrance to our parking lot.
We have had to alter some of the dates for 2010 due to the juggling of space amongst the swim clubs, water polo etc. However, as you can see we will actually be able to offer more swim training opportunities for the Club along with two 90min swim sessions!! Not many options for this in Calgary.
Despite these challenges we are proud to offer the same number of indoor cycling sessions and a new and exciting training environment. The ETS coaching staff is looking forward to this new move!
Triathlon Club Group Brick
Wednesday 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm Jan 6-Mar 24(34335) $165/12 classes
Triathlon Club Iron Brick
New! For those looking to improve their overall
endurance, fatigue resistance or preparing for a
half to full Ironman this motivating group session
will ensure you are fit by the start of the season.
Training sessions will be constantly varied and
designed to push each athlete. You will require
your own bike for these sessions as they will
be conducted on our ergotrainers.
Saturday 9:00 am-12:00 pm Jan 9-Mar 20 (34337) $240 / 10 classes
Triathlon Club Ironswim
New! For those looking to swim longer and
preparing for the Iron distance this is the swim
training session for you. Build your distance
swimming ability through this 90 min session.
Tuesday 7:30 pm- 9:00 pm Jan 5-Mar 23 (34333) $165/12 classes
Thursday 7:30 pm- 9:00 pm Jan 7-Mar 25 (34334) $165/12 classes
Triathlon Club Swim
Monday 6:00 am- 7:00 am Jan 4-Mar 22 (34328) $105/11 classes
Tuesday 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm Jan 5-Mar 23 (34331) $114/12 classes
Wednesday 6:00 am- 7:00 am Jan 6-Mar 24 (34329) $114/12 classes
Thursday 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm Jan 7-Mar 25 (34332) $114/12 classes
Friday 6:00 am- 7:00 am Jan 8-Mar 26 (34330) $95/10 classes
Please review the schedule and simply contact me via email with your registration requests. Registration will be for existing Club members first until Tuesday December 1st 2009 after which I will open up registration to new members.
The full $250 annual registration fee will be required at the time you register.
Any questions please contact me directly.
Jack 403.355.1259 or
Friday, November 6, 2009
tri club social
Monday, November 2, 2009

This Thursday November 5th the Run/ Swim class will turn into our first running clinic. The focus of these clinics will be on running form and power. Grant will be going over elements of running school, strides and plyometrics while evaluating form.
The class will start at 7:30 PM in the ATZ and every tri club members is welcome!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Power Meter Seminar

Power meters continue to revolutionize how cyclists and triathletes train for competition along with optimizing one's race strategy. However, how many people really know how to use a power meter? This seminar will provide an overview of the various power meters and how the information collected can be of use to athletes and coaches.
Specific examples will be shown from actual racing and training power files.
If you are considering joining the "power revolution" this seminar will help provide you with the information to make an informed decision and how to do more than just observe your power numbers.
Presented by Jack VanDyk
When: Thursday December 3rd 7-9pm.
Where: Talisman Centre - The Riverview Room.
Cost $15.00
Please reserve your spot by contacting Jack at 403.355.1259 or
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
New Coach!

I would just like to announce that Grant Burwash is now coaching with the Talisman Triathlon Club. In its second year as a official club in Alberta; TCTC has now added a expert run coach to round out its depth in the multi-sport field. Grant brings extensive track and cross country experience along with a very prestigious race resume that includes Canadian Duathlon National Champion. Please welcome Grant to our Tuesday/Thursday morning swim sessions and Tuesday night swim/run.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sample Sale
Thorncliffe Community Association
5600 Centre St. N.W. Calgary, AB
In the Thorncliffe Room
Everything must go, we need to make room for next years
samples and demos - everything at our costs!
Cash or Check only!
lO:00 am to 3:00 pm
skis, snowboards, snowboard bindings, ski wear, spring and
winter clothing, backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, helmets,
watches, heart rate monitors, cycling apparel, cycling
accessories, running apparel, running shoes, XC ski apparel,
XC ski boots, XC ski accessories, XC & alpine poles.
And much more!
Featured Brands - Kelty, Atomic, Head, Sunnto, Mountain Hard Wear, Halti, Flow, Line, Scott, Volkl, Uvex, Toko
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Power Tap Clearout
SLC+ $1849 (reg. $3560)
SL+ $1399 (reg. $2660)
PRO+ $1099 (reg. $1990)
ELITE+ $949 (reg. $1670)
This is a huge discount and there’s no for sure as to how many of them are left so the first to commit buying to buying them will get them.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Subscribe to the TriClub Blog RSS Feed!

(Note: If you are viewing this page on the blogspot site, instead of on Talisman Centre's own site, the RSS link is located at the very bottom of the page where it says, "Subscribe to: Posts".)
For more information about RSS feeds and how to use them, see below.
*Do you know what an RSS feed is? (It stands for "Really Simple Syndication".) It's a great way to keep up with the latest news and information from the Talisman Centre TriClub. With RSS, instead of periodically visiting this blog to see if there's a new post, this blog can come to you, automatically, whenever it is updated! First you need an RSS reader, like Google Reader or Bloglines. Once you have that, all you need to do is "subscribe" to our RSS feed, which is as simple as copy and paste!
For an overview of what RSS is, and how it works, check out this video:
Friday, October 2, 2009
Club Social
Ekiden Road Race
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Free Stuff
Training Camps 2010
Hello everyone, we are putting the final touches on the 2010 training year and will have a listing of the training options for everyone shortly.
We are planning on hosting several camps in 2010 each with a different focus and I would like to see how many Club members would be interested in attending, what would you deem to be a reasonable cost, what expectations would you look for in the camps and any other feedback you can provide us would be grateful as this information will help us to better create a series of camps for you.
Tentatively these are the dates and camp ideas we are planning;
May 7-9th 2010 Okanagan bike camp. Plan is to ride in the North Okanagan (Vernon, B.C.) on Friday and Sunday. On Saturday we would head south to Penticton and ride the most if not all of the Ironman Canada course.
May 29-30th 2010 Olympic Distance Training camp. To be hosted here in Calgary this is intended to provide specific training for the Olympic distance events, presentations on racing, equipment and practicing transitions.
July 15-18th 2010 Ironman Canada preparation camp. We hope to have the actual swim course set up and patrolled by some local help, a supported ride on the IMC course and rolling aid stations along the run route.
The intention of these camps is really to focus on the training aspect versus spending too much "chalk talk" time as happens in so many camps.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Triathlon Injuries 101

The triathlete often demands more of their body than it is capable of providing. The three most common injuries a triathlete suffers from are Achilles Tendinitis, Chondromalacia Patella, and Swimmers Shoulder.
Find out why these conditions occur, how to reduce your risk, and options for treatment.
Thursday October 1st 7-9pm at the Talisman Centre in the Learning Room.
Please reserve your spot by contacting Jack VanDyk at
This presentation will be provided by Dr. Christopher Anderson, a sports chiropractor from the Lindsay Park Sports Medicine Centre. Chris works with professional and recreational athletes with a focus on sports injury and performance enhancement. He uses Active Release Technique, Graston Technique, Contemporary Medical Acupuncture in addition to chiropractic joint manipulation. He is the treating chiropractor for the Alberta Ballet.
NEW! Drop-In Training Sessions for Triathlon Club Members

Due to limited enrollment in the Wednesday 12-1pm swim and the Thursday evening 7-9pm swim and run training sessions, we will be running these as drop-in sessions for all club members.
It will be first come first served for both swim sessions and limited to 12 people in total.
We have the running track booked at 8:15-9pm so really no restrictions in terms of numbers.
I hope members will come out to these sessions as there will be workouts posted for each session.
Coaches are also encouraged to train during these times space permitting.
For further information please contact myself at
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Group Ride

Well it looks like we have a bit of an Indian Summer happening in Calgary. This means it is a great time to get out and enjoy the outdoors before the colder weather comes back.
So I would like to get a group ride going for Sunday September 20th starting 10am from the Signal Hill parking lot - in and around the Indigo Bookstore.
The route will head out along HWY 8 to Bragg Creek, stop in for a quick coffee and cinnamon bun and then a leisurely ride back.
Note, this is meant to be an EASY social ride so everyone is welcome.
Please post your interest and invite others you feel may enjoy the ride.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Get together
Bring a small food item to share or not..and something to drink.
Some time around 4PM.
Family members welcome as well.
Even if we get a few it would be fun. Please let us know so we can gage the numbers coming.
Our address is 1612 Shelbourne St SW
Please contact Linda Johnson at 403.244.1207.
Congratulations to all Talisman Centre Triathlon Club members who took part in the 2009 Ironman Canada on August 30th! Jon, Ari and I had a great time running all over the course cheering you all on and you certainly inspired Ari and I to sign up for next year's edition. Jon was amazed at the sheer magnitude of the event and support given to ALL participants.
Well done to those who took part and completed the event;
Nicolas Burford 10:43:02
Marc Morin 13:05:04
David Stringer 13:22:19
Christine Vetter 13:58:08
Brenda Guebert 14:44:45
Patti Doody 14:46:48
Fred Litchfield 14:54:31
Jon Walters 15:57:10
It would be great to know how many club members are registered and will be taking part in Ironman Canada next year. It would be great to get a group training together towards this event.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Fall Registration Now Open.

Fall Registration for the Talisman Centre Triathlon Club is now open. Please go to our website at for the registration form.
Regarding the Annual membership fee, we had originally prorated the fee only to December 31st 2009. This was to allow club members the option in the Winter session to opt out if they did not feel comfortable with the Talisman Centre's roof replacement project slated to begin in the New Year.
If your membership is good until the end of this, please just fill out the courses you wish to take part in.
As always, the order in which I receive registration forms is the order in which I process your registrations.
Who is heading to Penticton this year either to race at Ironman Canada or to watch?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Yoga in the Park
Could be a great way to meet some new and interesting people, all while starting the weekend off in style.
Bring your own mat and a gear to the west side of the Talisman Centre at 9 am Saturday August 8th.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Good Luck Clubbers!
I look forward to seeing everyone on the course and crossing the finish line with smiles on your faces.
You have all trained hard for this day and now is the time to celebrate.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Final Preparations.

Hard to believe that the season is nearing the BIG events of the season as it just seems like summer began.
Last week I did the Ironspirit Camp in Penticton with Kevin Cutjar's crew. A great camp if you are focused on Ironman Canada especially if you get to train in the oppressive heat as we did. We were riding and running in mid 30 degree Celsius temperatures and everyone felt like they were dying out there on the roads. Since returning to Calgary which is finally seeing a nice warm spell, I don't really feel the heat when training outside. I have spoken with several triathletes who are complaining now of this heat.
With Ironman 70.3 Calgary a mere 10 days away, this is the time for many of you to start tapering for the event. This means that you should have already completed the training for the event and are now resting to allow the final peak preparation weeks you did to be absorbed by the body. Tapering in short is a marked reduction in your training volume while maintaining the frequency and specific race intensity over that time period. A few additional rest days can be thrown in as you feel are needed to tend to other "life" details or final travel or equipment preparations. This is now the time when you need to look back through your training logs to see all the training you have accomplished and to believe and trust that you are prepared. Do not cram more volume or overly intensive training in during this period as it will not benefit you at all for the upcoming race.
This time period is also great for you to write out your race day plan in as detailed a manner as possible. Plan your fueling scheme so you know how much you will need on race day and more importantly how much you will need to carry with you on the bike. Kevin spoke about carrying as little as possible on your bike to keep it lightweight versus loading 10lbs of stuff on board. There is no need to have 4 bottles on your bike. There is no need to have a full Bento box on your bike either. Use a front hydration system for your water and then carry one bottle on your downtube that can be replaced at aid stations. Carry gels in your race top rear pockets and grab more as needed from aid stations. Carry no more than 2 spare tubes, CO2 canisters and tire levers and use electrical tape to attach these to your seat post or tucked up under your saddle. Remember Calgary 70.3 is a hilly bike course.
A few additional tips;
- Get new tires and tubes mounted to your wheels.
- Put on a new chain or replace your drive train if required.
- Check your shifting and braking performance and replace cables as required.
- Clean your bike.
- Check your cycling cleats and replace as needed.
- Check your helmet and straps.
- Set your bike up now in race day configuration so you can ride it to test it out.
Tips 1 thru 4 will net you a nice boost in efficiency on race day as everything will shift and move so smoothly. Trust me on this one.
In terms of dealing with the heat that may or may not be present on race day, prepare for it both mentally and physically. Get outside during the hottest part of the day to train and or walk or even sit in the heat. Kevin also spoke about "attitude" as a major contributor to persevering or suffering. Be positive. Kevin's mantra when he and the other thousands of athletes were facing one of the hottest Ironman Canada race days a few years back was "Bring it on. Is that all you've got?". As many crumbled on the course and they had a record number of participants drop out, he thrived in it and he attributed his success to being positive and staying in control of his emotions.
I will admit that I crumpled mentally and physically in the Penticton heat but I attribute much of my poor attitude at that time to being sick. However after some reflection time and speaking with Kevin and other athletes about this my attitude now has changed (I am also feeling much better health wise too) and I welcome the challenges that will come my way whether they be this weekend at Sylvan Lake, next weekend at Calgary 70.3 or next year at Ironman Canada.
Good luck to everyone in finishing the season successfully.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Calgary 70.3 Volunteers
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Trouble with the swim start?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Motivational Pic's
Congrats to Erica and Amy on completing their first Half Ironman's, along with Stewart and Natasha T, on completing their first Olympic triathlons at Chinook half ironman. I also can't miss Dan and Patty on new personal bests at the Half Ironman! Looks like another great weekend for Talisman Tri Club. Results can be found at -
Training Weekend Reminder

Just a reminder that we are hosting our second Club training weekend this Saturday June 27th and Sunday June 28th in Canmore and North Glenmore Park. In addition, we are planning a Club BBQ after the Sunday run in which all family members are welcome to join us.
Details were sent out weeks ago but if you require the form again please email me at
I really hope people are reading this...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wasa Weekend!

What a great way to start off our Triathlon Club blog! The Wasa Lake triathlon was held on the weekend of June 13th and 14th 2009 and Talisman Centre Triathlon Club members came out in numbers to compete in this great event. I have done this event three years now and will continue to go back as I keep setting personal best times there. This marked the first official Club triathlon race of the season and for most of us this was the first of the season. I was surprised to hear how many were experiencing their first ever triathlon at Wasa Lake but as I have said to many of them, they choose a great first time experience.
Congrats to all those who finished their first ever triathlon!
Highlights of the weekend for me in no particular order;
1. Amy Woodward of the Driven 5 completing her first ever triathlon event and grabbing 3rd overall in her age group and 15th place overall for females - riding with pink bar tape no less.

2. Jon Bird exacting revenge on a sub-par performance last year and handily taking 3rd place overall.
3. Seeing so many of our team kits out on course made me feel like I was a part of something special. We all struggled and made it through our events together.
4. Entering the Club Challenge and finishing 5th overall! Next year we enter two teams and go for top three.
5. The Christine Vetter and Elaine Keenan Chronicles (you need to ask them).
6. Fred Litchfield's jersey!
All in all a great weekend and a great overall representation of the Club.
Good luck to those competing this weekend at the Chinook Half Ironman and Olympic distance Triathlon. Jon Bird is planning on riding with the club out to the bike turnaround point to cheer all the competitors on. If you are interested please email Jon at for details.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Welcome to the TriClub Blog!

Welcome to Talisman Centre's TriClub blog. Talisman Centre is uniquely capable of offering an exceptional, comprehensive Triathlon training program that will push you to the next level of achievement. With exclusive TriClub courses, access to seminars and clinics, club socials and team events, there's really nothing like it. So "join the club", and see what Talisman Centre's TriClub can do for you!